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Year 4 having a lovely time at the oval enjoying our local environment and a huge game of capture the flag.


Year 4 comparing decimals using a place value grid .


Really proud of Harpenden Academy’s chess representatives in their inter-school tournament today! There were some brilliant games, amazing development and wonderful sportsmanship!#chess


Amazing to celebrate two of our classmates today who achieved PBs and medals at regional swimming championships this weekend (filmed for YouTube).


Great progress in rounders this week with much better accuracy in bowling and striking the ball. Excellent resilience in the 400m along with some stunning triple jump performances.


Amazing energy at cross country club this morning.


This week Ladybirds are exploring the question “Why are bees so important?”. Already, we have been using the iPads to pollinate the plants, programming Bee-Bots and printing using hexagon shapes! We have been busy bees 🐝#eyfs


Moomin class are generating ideas for poems inspired by the playground


Year 3 exploring real life pushes and pulls for their science learning.


Ladybirds have been innovating their own versions of Town Mouse, Country Mouse using their own chosen animals. We are SO proud of the writing progress.


Small school champions. Well done to our year 3&4 boys football team.


Team Dahl arduously reading up on Greek mythology in our wonderful library!#English


Year 3 debating whether we should stop using plastic products.


Stunning start to the day at cross country club - Spring is finally in the air!


Year six athletes practising batting and fielding tactics for rounders at SJL this morning.


Year six athletes practising sprinting and baton handover at SJL this morning.


Moomin class have been learning about creating pictograms on the computer. First, we gathered data in a tally chart using skills learnt in maths last term.


Year 5 working hard on their ancient Greek vases in art class!#art


Ladybirds have been exploring the story of The Three Little Pigs this week. We have been working together to retell the story, making houses out of sticks and making pigs using collage technique.


Our Year 1 children loved mark making to music in their art lesson this week. We are developing our drawing skills and knowing how to create different types of lines. The music conjured up images of the ocean in our minds.


Year 4 working on their under arm bowling and sprinting today at SJL.


Rounders tactics today - in particular keeping our heads up to avoid running out our teammates!


Yesterday in year six we talked about creating a mental health toolkit to boost our wellbeing and one of our team shared how art and craft always boosts her mood. Today she brought in a hat based on Harry Potter’s Luna Lovegood to share, made from recycled plastic!


Yesterday in year six we talked about creating a mental health toolkit to boost our wellbeing and one of our team shared how art and craft always boosts her mood. Today she brought in a hat based on Harry Potter’s Luna Lovegood to share, made from recycled plastic!


Year six musicians composing using GarageBand.

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Religious Education

Purpose and Aims


For pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society provoking questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. They will gain knowledge and understanding of Christianity and of other principal religions, traditions and worldviews that offer answers to questions such as “Why are we here?” and “Why was the world made?” Pupils will have opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening their understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others – individually, communally and cross-culturally. They will appreciate how religious beliefs and moral values can help individuals develop moral awareness and understanding in a diverse and global world.


  • For pupils to develop knowledge and understanding of sources of wisdom and their impact through sacred texts and other sources of wisdom. They will have opportunity to express their own ideas about the nature of beliefs, values and practices and their impact upon the identity of individuals and communities.

For pupils to express their own personal and critical responses with increasing discernment, personal reflections, critical responses and connections to faith and belief enquiring into philosophical, moral and ethical issues. Engage with questions and answers offered by religions and worldviews. Develop skills required to dialogue with others and to cooperate in society with respect and compassion.


Our curriculum is based on eight key areas of learning:

Beliefs and Practices            

Sources of Wisdom

Symbols and Actions


Prayer, Worship and Reflections


Identity and Belonging

Ultimate Questions


Human Responsibility and Values


Justice and fairness


Depth and breadth will be achieved by incorporating all the eight key elements into planning and teaching them throughout the school year which will increase pupil’s understanding of varying religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts. Pupils will be encouraged to demonstrate respect and compassion, recognising a range of viewpoints about identity and belonging.  They will consider and discuss important issues relating to moral choices. They will explore shared human responsibility and values through enquiry and experience and express personal reflections with increasing curiosity.

Progression and Assessment

Our progression has 2 key objectives which are achieved by developing the pupil’s religious and theological literacy through religions and worldviews. Pupils should grow in developing their religious vocabulary and their ability to communicate and understand a range of theological and religious concepts and worldviews.

Assessment and reporting

We will assess the pupil’s depth of understanding each term through pupil voice and books and teacher’s planning.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Improvement

The role of the leader in monitoring pupil’s outcomes is to audit teacher’s judgements. This is done collectively in staff meetings and then collated by the leader. The leader then works collectively with the teachers to examine the strengths of the provision along with the areas for development for the provision. The leaders then create an action plan to improve achievement. The leader keeps track of the improvements they have secured over time to understand how effect the provision is.

Easter Christingle at St Nicholas' Church

Today we had our final event for the Spring Term which was our Easter Christingle service at St Nicholas’ church. Thank you to all the parents who came to the event – it was amazing to see so many of you there.

The children sang beautifully – those of you who were there will not be able to get the ‘Spring Chicken’ song out of your heads for a while to come!

We used the flowers to decorate the cross and when this was revealed to the children, the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ were quite brilliant – a pure moment of awe and wonder.

It was a lovely way to end a busy term. 


Visit from The Salvation Army

Team Shakespeare enjoyed a visit from The Salvation Army, learning about the important and meaningful community work that they support.


Year 3 Religious Education

Year 3 had a visit from Reverend DaCosta to explore the significance of Good Friday for Christians. This links to our RE topic 'What is good about Good Friday?'. We learned the main events of the Easter Story and talked about the key symbols that appear in it. We also found out why eggs are used at Easter.


Milne Class, Year 4 visited St Albans Cathedral

On Thursday, Year 4 had a wonderful trip to St Albans Cathedral to learn about the life of Christian Monks. We had a lovely day learning about the different parts of the monastery and used compasses and maps to locate where the buildings would have been. 

In the afternoon, we become Benedictine Monks and the children all dressed up and learned about royalty in the monastery and then children took part in activities the Monks would participate in such as Chapter studies and prayers. 


Dahl class have had a great afternoon making Christingles in our RE lesson! 


Thank you to Jump! for organising a Christingle-making workshop for us this afternoon. We had a lot of fun in Dr Seuss class! 

Christingle 2

Year 3 Potter learn about Islam

This term in RE we have been looking at Islam and therefore we had a lovely talk from Muriam's Mum and we got to touch even more artefacts. We really appreciated Muriam's mum coming in. 

Potter 3 Potter1 Potter2 


Reception celebrate Diwali

The children were inspired by our learning on Diwali and decided to create their own sarees. The children came up with the idea and asked me to help them execute their plan. The children were able to guide and direct me to enable their desired outcome to be reached.

Reception had a lovely week celebrating Diwali. On Thursday, Sid and her Mum, helped us make our own Diva lamps and we tried Indian sweets . Sid and her mum told us how they celebrate Diwali in their house. It sounds so much fun . Thank you for sharing with us.

part of our learning on Diwali, we have explored some Henna designs and created some of our own. We worked with partners and got to eat our designs at the end! We tried really hard...




Jump Workshop, Year 2 Aslan Class

Year 2 were fascinated by the lovely ladies from “Jump” who came into Aslan class on Thursday to talk about Good Friday, Palm Sunday, The last Supper and The Crucifixion. They enjoyed acting out each segment of the story and some children really excelled themselves by becoming the Donkey that carried Jesus through the streets on his journey!  As the picture shows , they all sat beautifully and listened to the bible stories, showcasing their     abilities to be “Pro Social “ young people. Well done Aslan class. You have made Miss Henshall and Mrs Palmer Cooper very proud. Keep up those beautiful listening skills.

St Alban's Cathedral, KS1 & EYFS School Trip, March 2019

Year 2 Tiles 

Picture1  Picture3

St Alban's Cathedral, Year 5 School Trip

On Tuesday 11th December, we travelled to the St Albans Cathedral for Dahl classes’ school trip. We were fascinated by all of the intricately designed statues and carvings, not to mention the facts we learnt!   

As soon as we arrived at the cathedral, we were welcomed in and were lucky enough to have our own private tour. First, we were split up into two groups to start looking around. Our group was shown the ‘Font’ where people were baptised/ christened. We were even allowed to see it being done by three class members. One was the font, one was the priest and the other was the person being christened. It was really interesting to be able to see the procedure that Christians go through in front of us. 

Next we learnt about the advent wreath. We were shown one and the guide explained to us the meaning of each candle and what the colour represents. They each were a memoir for one or a group of people and what they did in relation to Christmas and their good deeds. We also went on and learnt that the colour of the cope that bishops wear during advent is purple/violet. 

After that we learnt all about St Albans and the blue and gold crest of his. Did you know that people believe when he was about to be executed, roses sprang up from the ground wherever he stepped? The rose is now symbolic to the St Albans’ abbey. After lunch, we went to a special room where we were given a lump of clay which we were going to make a tile out of. This session was a particular highlight to most of the children. A popular theme for our creations was a rose/flower, an angel or a cross. 

We really enjoyed our trip and would definitely recommend it to other classes, schools, or people as it is super educational. 

Report by Lottie Watson and Lauren Daly 

Img 0670 Img 0666 Img 0651 Img 0613 

Img 0593 Img 0585 Img 0591 Img 0624

Buddhism Symbolism, Year 6

This week in Year 6 we have been learning about the symbolism of mudras (hand gestures) in Buddhism and linking them to hand gestures in other religions to explore similarities and differences between religions. The children then created their own mudras to symbolise an important belief of their own. Wonderful peacefulness and thoughtfulness in this session.

Bud2 Bud1

Diwali Celebrations, KS1 and EYFS

On Wednesday Ladybird class, Elmer class and Aslan class learnt how people around the world celebrate Diwali. They listened to the story of Rama and Sita and learnt why Diwali is called the Festival of Lights. They had lots of fun making rangoli patterns to decorate the classroom. They also made Diwali cards and Divas. Elmer class had a go at some traditional dancing using dandyia sticks and some children were even brave enough to perform to the rest of the class




At Harpenden Academy we aim to provide variety and curiosity as children learn about world faiths and beliefs.

Diwali Diwali2 Diwali3 Diwali4

Reception pupils looked at henna patterns to create their own designs relating to the Hindu festival of Diwali.

Diwali1 Diwali2 Diwali3
Diwali4 Diwali5 Diwali6



Year 5 designed and created their own crowns when looking at the beliefs of Druids and the link with nature.

Druids Druids1 Druids2

Key Stage 1 Christingle Service 2017

Christingle Christingle 1

Year 2 looked at the meaning behind Jesus washing the disciple’s feet and talked about the importance of serving one another.

Disciples Disciples 1

Year 2 visit to St Nicholas Church in Harpenden

 Disciples 3 St nicholas church 1 St Nicholas Church 2 St Nicholas Church 3

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